Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hoo Haa! I actually had a brisk walk this morning for an hour. Left the hostel about 7:00 and walked to the other end of town. Chatted with the gendarmes who station themselves near the hostel, doing random checks of vehicles entering town. Me thinks they are doing drug searches but not positive about that. They commented on me being up so early (during Ramadan most people sleep in since they got up at 4:00 a.m. to eat) and so I told them that I was with the Peace Corps and we discussed how long I was going to be here, etc. It's fun to have my vocabulary build up a bit so I can carry on bits and pieces of dialogue. Look forward to getting verbs/conjugations down so I can begin to make more sentences.

Weather is nice here. Likely about 80 during the day and 60 at night. I think, anyway...

Once in awhile I go online to look at Montana papers, but not often. It's like I don't want to mess up my mind with concerns about the state of affairs of the world, or U. S., or MT at this point in time. I've got my head wrapped up in too much other new information.

We've been having sessions on medical stuff and what to do in case of medical emergency, etc. I will be going to Rabat after our swearing in on Nov. 24th and most likely before I go to my permanent site, to have my annual pap, mammo, and needed dental cleaning, so that is good. Then they'll do another dental in six months, and annual exam next Dec. I continue to be healthy after my short distress with "D" the first few days here, but others continue to be hit with it. The best remedy seems to be the BRATT diet which is bananas, rice, apples, tea and toast. They don't have toast here, but an abundance of all sorts of breads. That, and pepto usually takes care of the problem. Sure would hate to have the dilema with Turkish toilets. Ugh! Thighs of steel only go so far in my life is good category!

Every day I see something new I'd like to share, but unless I get it written down in my little notebook right away, know how it goes!

The group I'm in for this community based training has some "interesting" dynamics going on. One of the other women is a bit older (50 + I'm guessing) and makes this control freak look like an introvert! So I'm just hanging back and let her do her thing while I continue to learn, observe, and focus on the important stuff. Is a nice place to be, even though some of the group results sometimes lacks the quality I'd like to see, but it's not bothering me.

Still am not using the phone card seamlessly, but am making progress. Got Marci's answering machine today. My mentor advises that she talks to her sister in Canada via msn hotmail. They get on at the same time to an msn link, arranging it via email correspondence and use headphones and talk to each other free. Sounds similar to skype, so might give that a shot with my kids.

That's it for today! Going to work on language a bit then maybe try to find a card game for a little bit.


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