Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

KARMUSA T NSARA. Fruit of the Christians. Apparently because the Spanish introduced it to Morocco during their time of reign here. During my morning walk the other day, a man approaching on the road greeted me, and held out the fruit of the prickly pear cactus (there are now stands on the streets with people sellling them). He brushed some of stickers off with a swatch of a tree branch, then took nail clippers out of his pocket, flicked open a little knife, and deftly peeled the fruit. He then offered it up to me. It was quite tasty, and a very kind thing for him to do. A bit farther up the road I spied a large turtle enjoying the same thing, using its front "paws" to stabilize the position of the fruit. Hadn't ever seen anything quite like that before. Then, at the neddy Friday, some women from a nearby douar came in to do some weaving of placemats (at my suggestion) and brought with them tea, bread, and some karmus, which we enjoyed. THEN, walking this morning, there was a man on the edge of the road picking some of this fruit, using a long bamboo stick that was split on the end, and string rigged up so the device could be used as a pincer. Wish I had my camera for that. But here are photos of our little tea party, as well as the women weaving.


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