Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

POMEGRANATES, CLEMENTINES, AND ARGAN OIL. The season of these two fruits is starting to wind down. The pomegranates are wonderful! Peel one in a pan of water so all the inside skin stuff rises to the top, drain, put in some plain yogurt, add a bit of muesli and voila! You have a great breakfast/dessert/snack! There are both mandarins and clementines, and although the locals call them both mandarins, the clementines aren't as seedy are marvelous as well. I will miss all the fresh fruit and vegetables, which in season, are very inexpensive.

Sana told me that she heard a new store was opening in Touama that was going to sell argan oil. This morning on my walk, I found it on the hill near another douar, not in Touama itself. I talked for a bit with the young woman working there. The products are very expensive, tourist priced for sure! I went back to our boutique and reported to both Sanas what I saw/did and they said yes, they knew it was open and they were going to go to work there. They were both very straight-faced and I kept saying, "No! not really!?" and they kept saying that I was leaving and going back to America so they were going to work elsewhere. Those pranksters! I was on the verge of tears!!! But they said they would talk to the women working at the argan place and try to exchange brochures to give each other business. Ah, that is more like it!!

Am heading for the training site for my last meeting as my group's rep on the Volunteer Advisory Council, and will also serve on a diversity panel for the new Youth and Small Business groups readying to be sworn in. What is my diversity, you ask?! Ha! I'm the token old person!! There is a woman coming in nearly my age, who just gone done with a PC tour two years ago. If my investments stay in the tank, I'd consider it, but it's about those daughters and grandkids! No more extended absences. Further PC service will be short term (3-6 months) , and those opportunities do exist!

One of my blog readers asked recently if I enjoyed my experience here, and I have tried to answer her inquiry a bit in the blog below.


Blogger Jeannie said...

Hi Connie,
Thanks for answering my question so eloquently. I appreciate all of your comments. My husband is Moroccan and one day he would like to take me back to Morocco to live. I know that there will many adjustments, which I am prepared for. I have kept my husband awake many nights with numerous questions about the culture and what is expected of women. I know that our lives will not be like the traditional couple because I am American. I was welcomed with open arms when I was there for a visit and long to return for another such visit. Do you think that you will ever go back?

7:51 PM  

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