Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Am progressing with language and having more fun with my extended family. Last night there were about 12 of us sitting around these two little round tables loaded with great food. Afterward, an 11 year old boy worked on his math, an 16 year old sister worked on her French, and me working on Moroccan Arabic. Also known as Darija. The tough part of learning this language is that it is not written. What is taught and learned to read and write is classical Arabic, which is similar but not the same as the Moroccan Arabic. Then there are several dialects of the Berber language as well, and thank heavens I told them I definitely did not want to go THAT route!

A note about the lighting in the houses. All rooms have a single light bulb hanging from the center of the room and that generally is their lighting system, We see more and more of the newer conservation types of light bulbs. My room, which is the salon for entertaining, actually has a chandelier in the center, with a light bulb fixture on each end wall. The chandelier only has one light bulb in the middle fixture, although it has places for four other lights. So that sheds a bit more light (pun intended) on another aspect of their living.

Also, don't believe I mentioned that when we walked to the reservoir a week ago Sunday, that we passed by a fence that used auto body parts, such as fenders, etc. as part of the stakes for the wires.

We go back to Azrou in the morning until next Tuesday. So look forward to a nice long hot bath and get all my toiletries taken care of. Kind of missed going to the hammam this past week. Feel like my skin could use a working over, especially since only one bucket bath and hair wash in the past six days.

I have been walking for about a half hour every morning. I leave my backpack at the class room, then walk down the hill to the river (or what's left of it) and back up. It's kind of like doing airport hill in Billings. Feels good to get exercise and not so odd any more walking in a skirt instead of shorts and t=shirt

The weather is changing and wouldn't be surprised to be getting snow in the next few weeks here. It will be "interesting" to see how we're going to stay warm in our unheated building that we are in for classes...


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