Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

End of another tough week of studies. Sunday is always a day off for self-directed learning. Tomorrow I am going to the hammam with about three sisters at 9:00, then go home to make bread, from start to finish, so I learn that skill before I get my own place. It is quite a different process from what we have at home. Lots of cooking tomorrow, I reckon, as the next day is a huge religious holiday marking the end of Ramadan. There will be much visiting and tea drinking and cookie eating, along with back to regular meals, and those will likely be pretty big tomorrow. I am not sure if we are going someplace or if others are all coming to mom and dad's house here.

The youngest daughter is visiting. Her husband is working in Saudi and she lives with his family...not sure where. And other daughter in law who lives in a nearby small village is also staying with their little 6 year old boy who is just a doll, and he is quite taken with this American. So it is nice to have a little one to hold my hand as we walk down the streets (helps validate that I am really not a freak) or sit around in the house, with him on my lap. I have taken pictures, but they don't do him justice. Will try for another photo that shows how cute he is. He is a boy, and tends to make faces when camera comes out. Fancy that. Some things seem to be universal...

Names...there are a zillion Fatimas, Zinebs, Halimas, Nzhas, etc. And of course, a Mohammed or five in every family as well. It gets rather confusing trying to figure out who is who sometimes!

We had a good laugh on me last night...which happens often, but the words for happy and oven and fairly similar...and they were having a bit of a time trying to figure out what I was saying. Does pantomine ever come in handy! Would be lost without it at this stage of the game.

Souq was again today, and a very big one because of Laid on Monday, so everyone was buying lots of produce (about the only time a huge quantity is available, and at good prices. Not sure if I mentioned before that I bought a pound of great green olives for $.80. Today I bought 4# of carrots for .30. And bargained hard for some more warm socks. It's quite an event. Satisfies my conservative nature.

Must get home to the extended family who is all around for this special time. Lots of talking and laughing. I sit around and attempt to communicate off and on, but also go to bed early after doing some studying and readying. I am bushed at the end of the day. Still am getting a good 30 minute walk in every morning up and down a large hill on the edge of town. Sure energizes me-and I need all the energy I can get.

Blessings to all my friends and family...


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