Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Monday, October 29, 2007

BUT BABY it's cold...inside! I think the transition is about done from summer to fall. Last week in travel, we encountered some hot days, rainy days, cool evenings. Now in my house at noon it's 59 degrees F inside and 64 outside (in the shade). Warmer outside than inside will generally be the case until late spring next year. I didn't have a thermometer last year, so it will be interesting to know the actual temps this winter.

Another note about traveling here. One gets accustomed to daily habits/routines, and must say it's good to be "home" and be able to have large cups of coffee in the morning, instead the small cup/glass of espresso served in cafes, as well as the availability of a nice big cup of hot herbal tea in the evening. I guess the older we get, the more we tend to "nest" and like our creature comforts. On the other hand, it was nice to get away from squat toilets and bucket baths! Oh, but wait! Forgot to mention that when my guests were here, we had no running water in the house. Something broke at the city well and they apparently couldn't get the part or whatever (who knows?!) to get it fixed. My landlords were kind enough to get some private well water that we could use for washing up and flushing the toilet.


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