Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Saturday, February 01, 2014


Fun tree trunk covering in fun of specialty store
I am trying to walk about an hour every day, and live near a lively restaurant and shopping area about 6 blocks long.  Great little bistros and coffee shops...

Along with this cute little shop with the knitted trunk covers.  The thing that bothers me, though, is that the customers are all white and wait staff is all black.  But then, in an upper-middle class neighborhood, that's who's going to be living there.  I stopped by the local hardware store this morning to see if they had a piece of lumber I could use for a little make-do countertop, and he gave me his tape measure to go home and check size.  It reminded me a bit of Billings Hardware, where they had a bit of everything and big on customer service.

Oh, and horror or horrors, after buying all my appliances and many other things at "Game", when looking at a flyer yesterday, I saw the Walmart logo.  Sigh.

Menu inside a bistro on 4th Avenue
Vicky came today and we went to the Apartheid Museum, even though her GPS wasn't working and we had no printer to print a map.  We wrote out directions and didn't get too lost coming or going.  I was there three years ago, and after a couple of hours plus this time around, I was still about an hour short of seeing all I wanted to see.  So much information, but as other guests may come to visit, we'll likely want to go there and I can catch the rest.  If you'd like to see images of it, they are in my post of 4/9/11 from my previous trip here.

We had a great meal on 4th Avenue when we got back.


Anonymous Luanne Engh said...

Great to catch up on your new adventure, Connie. You are truly amazing! Looks like you'll be loving the city, such a nice change from Morroco. Just a question, why were students sitting on the floor? No benches. Seems crazy for nicely dressed students.
Look forward to following you.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Connie Genger said...

Hi Luanne, I will love the city a lot more when I can use the transportation confidently and effectively! I look forward to getting out to the country. Re the learners sitting, the few chairs they have are used for speakers on the stage, teachers, guests like me. The kids all wear uniforms in all the schools here, both public and private.

9:54 AM  

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