Connie in Morocco and Beyond

These are my travel experiences beginning with my Peace Corps service in Morocco from 2006-2008. At the request of friends and my own desire to document, I continued blogging my journeys to other countries as well as in the U. S., including my service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in South Africa for most of 2014. This blog will continue as my travel journal.

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Location: Billings, Montana, United States

The Big Sky country of Montana is home sweet home!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

SAME, SAME. Amazing what little diversions can add to my life here; yesterday a friend I was expecting to visit had to cancel and I didn't have the card games and hike I was looking forward to, and that resulted in a bit of depression. This morning I went for my walk, and at the suggestion of a friend, listened to my ipod. I had been concerned about the inability to hear with it, but it presented no problem. The music did lift my spirits.

As I walked, I once again reflected on how similar things are here; that is, you smile and wave at people near the road, and they smile and wave back. It's the same, the world 'round, yes?! Then I had to laugh, as a few feet up the road I was overcome by a rather strong, unpleasant odor, and I thought, "Yeah, this is one thing that isn't the same, and that I won't miss...the smell of donkey doo!"

25 months here. Wow, guess I will actually make it! Sure has been lots of ups and downs, joy and sadness, frustration and satisfaction. Am so glad that I chose to do this, and so glad I will soon be home.


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